Tuesday, February 18, 2014


In this cartoon we see three supreme court justices looking rather confused. The caption under the cartoon states "do you ever have one of those days where everything seems unconstitutional?" I see two ways of interpreting this picture. One way could be that the supreme court have high hopes for America and seeing the way our country is currently run is disappointing to them. The supreme courts job is too find things in the country that are unconstitutional and make them just. If a supreme court is finding a lot of things unconstitutional it can either mean they are not effectively doing their job or that they cannot keep up with all the things wrong in our country. The other way to look at the cartoon is that the Supreme court is inadequate and that they are not understanding their jobs and how to do them effectively. I think that the supreme court is reality is a mixture of both interpretations of the cartoon. I think typically the Supreme Court makes decisions that are considered as an act of activism once they are brought to their court. However there are alot of issues in our country that I feel that the Supreme Court does not address.

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